Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Boz is a genius!!!

Boz fixed my archives AGAIN!!!
But seriously, Boz is a genius.
And he has a great personality too.
And small children and animals like him too.
And if they gave lifetime achievement awards to people nicknamed Boz, Boz would win it every year.


  1. Boz is my hero.
    If he was a woman he would be my heroine.
    If he was nestled in a spoon he would be my heroin.

    I am glad he restored your archives...that would have been so shitty.

  2. Anonymous12:37 AM

    You know - I think I really ned to step up and honor the guy - seriously...This might be dangerous.

  3. Malone,
    I am touched.
    It's almost as if I wrote it myself.


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