Sunday, January 26, 2025

Catpocalypse MEOW -

I bet you a million dollars that I've used that title before here. Nobody cares, self. There's a metal bowl that's touching the lid of this dying laptop and as I type, it's making a tinny, morse code/ticker tape sound like you used to hear at  your girlfriend's house - Ohhhhhmm BURN.  Like in the beginning of an old news flash - Bbeeeeeep bbeeepp ebeppe ebebeepepeeeepeebeep. (That made no sense).

I should've hashtagged that (that's what she said) but I'm too lazy to go back, WAY up there and put a hashtag on it (Insert #beyonceknowles joke HERE). See what I did there? That is JOKES. It IS jokes. See what I did there? Yeah, I know - nobody did...because there's no one HERE.  Hey, if you learned how to increase the yield? No - the productivity? NO, if you learned how to increase the SIZE of ONE grain of rice instead of concentrating energy into the YIELD of rice, say if you were a rice farmer...or just a rice-enthusiast for that matter, a NICE rice enthusiast - wouldn't you? No, I wasn't asking if you wanted to be a rice enthusiast, would you be one - I was asking (I kind of forgot what I was asking)...IF you could grow ONE BIG grain of rice instead of growing and cultivating hundreds of thousands, millions and billions of seperate, little ellipsis - sy rice the good ol' fashioned way, resulting in millions and billions  - wait, NO!


of seperate grains of that fragrant, always-used, and often-eaten, capsules of tasty, usually sauce-covered and bowl/stomach-filling, versatile and wordwide-ly, ( that's not a word) satiating and exotic goodness of all little two shoesnesses.

Anyways, yeah - wouldn't that be cool if I wrote like a human being? Or an A.I. thing? Yeah, Wheee. How wild. You're WACKY. NO. I make myself sad. Besides te babies. Yes, te babies. That wasn't a typo - I just ran out of moeny to pay my H bill.  This was like a ransom note but written by a squirrel on drugs, whilst being blinded by a solar flare whie being eaten by a baleen whale. Okay, bye.

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