Friday, July 12, 2024

Random writing found in my phone #216


"As a result of my own repeated viewings of his veritable dancing prowess, I’ve determined that he exhibits an eerie, almost ghost-like similarity to another certain thin-legged and snappy-pointed, fancy, toe-clicky, boot-kicking actor of the Saturday Night Feverish legend of yore. Don’t you think? Maybe not. I just woke up and I think I’ve been typing this comment for 1,977 years. I really do dislike typing so much in so little space. We learned to write on blackboards and as the years have progressed we’ve been whittled down to writing our always -expanding feelings into the space equivalent to a chipmunk.”


  1. Anonymous10:28 AM

    These ads are dumb. Why do I have them here? I suck at making money off of ads because I’m simple.

  2. Anonymous10:28 AM

    I’m going to get rid of them.

  3. Anonymous1:26 PM

    Still getting rid of them.

  4. I feel the same, kiddo. Like, HOW are such giant thoughts, feelings, soul-leavings expected to be crammed into tiny spaces by way of only the very tips of our fingers or the fat pads of our thumbs? It isn't right. QWERTY has become an instinct, but a pen on paper still feels much right-er and oh! Oh! The blackboard...I don't know if my shy little self could ever have felt comfortable expressing so fully there, but I love that it felt endless and massive. I love the way words can flow from the cobwebby, vague caverns inside of me somewhere and appear in crisp contrast on this screen. No idea what will show up as my user name, haha, but this is Lisa the never-bored not-housewife :)


Comments! Your FACE is a comment! Huh?