Saturday, December 31, 2011

Samurai Sabers...

I started on scratch paper. I did notebooks for years. I bought an old Smith Corona, powder blue, pounding machine. Then procured an old electric typewriter for kicks. I wrote on an old word processor briefly. I bought my first computer from a store that offered you two years of Hotmail access and the PC computer tower for 250 dollars. It was a great deal but barely affordable for me at the time. Years later I bought another computer that lasted longer then it should've. I worked for a startup company and was given my work computer to work from home when they started to fizzle. I left that computer with an ex-girlfriend and then bought my first laptop. It lasted for three years. I bought a brand new Netbook from a friend. It sucked from the start. Poop machine. I bought a used MacBook Pro from a friend. I still use it. I just typed this boring diatribe on my girlfriend's Ipad2 thingy. Kind of cool. Easy. I like big keys. I'm old now. I like this. It's fucking easy to type on this machine.....but90pagenotebooksthatflipupandnottothesideandblueinkpensandoldtypewritersthatyouwritepoetryonandhavetopoundthekeys?....


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