Thursday, April 07, 2011


Every day
Waging war
With Peace


  1. *sigh* Aint' it the truth. . . .

  2. It's funny, I wrote this with myself in mind and then realized how appropriate it was in regards to mankind. Did that makes sense? Ahhh...screw it - I'm tired and smell like spilt keg beer from work.

  3. It does make sense! Both ways! I feel the same way about myself. I relate to alot of what you put up here that's why I keep up with it. It's kinda like having a comrad within my own personal combats.

    Off subject, ur pic icon shows up. Any idea why mine does not?

    I apologize if I get this wrong but in reading ur numerous blogs, ur name is Kevyn, right?

  4. Thank you so much! Sorry if I lag sometimes. I wish I could write everyday and all of the time like I used to but sometimes I just don't want to. Always check Fat Free Milk though. You never know. You may get three posts in a week and maybe none for three weeks. About the pic icons? Dude. I've got nothing. look at your Google account settings? Also? My name is not Kevyn - it's Fat Free Milk. Or MUD. Or The Ho-Hum Wizard of Oz. Or Fizban. Or Rumpelstiltskin. Or Mister Mxyzptlk. Or...

  5. I forgot to say The Great Gazoo!

  6. Anonymous11:16 AM

    It's funny I found this entry.
    because today I said "I'm going to look at Kevin's blog" because I'd like to distract myself for 10 minutes. And I said "let's click anything random" and I clicked on this entry, which happens to be a date I remember. April 7, 2011. It was my birthday. I was 26. It was also the first day of the farmers market for the season. It was about to rain. And it was my birthday! And I met with Robert at the farmers market, but he was having a freak out. It was my birthday. and he was being crazed, cold and left me in a hurry. He said he couldn't be around me. and i knew it was because of another girl. and it was. it was just awful that it had to be on my birthday. You were there. You weren't there to see it but you were there. I saw you, but I left because by that time I was sad on my birthday.

    The several stressful years with Robert, it felt like I was waging war with peace. All I ever wanted/intended was for things to be simple. It wasn't until recently that he understood that.

    do I send this? okay.


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